My Dairy Sains - Artificial Intelligence (AI) or growing artificial intelligence that can be found in a variety of the world, such as Smartphones, Amazon until the car without the driver.
Sometimes the presence of artificial intelligence is both alarmed and afraid, sesab will emerge that will become jobless and most of the big companies of the world. But it is not necessarily going to happen.
According to Dave King ' founders Move 37, said that art is one of the areas where we have an optimistic view of the question of how humans and machines can work. In addition to that creativity is not give God. But as a process that requires practice. One of the most interesting aspects of creativity is the ability to combine the idea or describe the joint.
intelligence is already being used in various fields of art, such as
algorithms that there have been dijutaan pages of romance novels have
been used to write poetry.
Recently, there was an art competition robots that shows a number of paintings with digital brushes fried look sophisticated, when made with human hands. One of these artists Jon McCormack is now Professor of computer science at Monsh University whose work combining algorithm.
Robot s capable of making art, the human Will can compete with machines?
Robot s capable of making art, the human Will can compete with machines?