8 easy ways to increase the intelligence of the brain |
My Dairy Sains - 8 easy ways to increase the intelligence of the brain, The human brain is the central structure of the arrangements for the body. As well as to increase the intelligence of the brain can be done by train and modify things that can improve the performance of the brain. The following activities could increase the intelligence of the brain.
1. Consumption of doses of EPA to taste
The EPA is the chemical in fish oil use for brain vitamin, which serves to increase the power of the brain. This is evident in the research if fish oil can facilitate increased activity in the brain, improve blood circulation, improves memory and concentration.
2. Working on a crossword puzzle
Sudoku can make your brain stays in the best conditions. Just like muscles, if you don't practice regularly, he will lose his ability to work to its full potential.
3. go walk
Nothing can beat a fresh air to refresh the mind and reduce the annoying logic skills and constructive thoughts. Take a trip on the outskirts of the city, near the river atauvhanya in the Park will help you get rid of the mind is saturated and it helps keep your mind clear.
4. Learn the language
Learning a new language can lose syndromes dementia (deterioration of the brain) to four years. This explanation is uncertain but believe if you have a close relationship with improved blood circulation and nerve connections good.
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5. Laugh
Laughter is not the best medicine, main can improve brain function and stimulate both sides when together. Make sure you are interested in every day.
6. Be creative
Study in the field of art is very good. By learning in the field of art, you will be creative that allows to find new solutions to old problems and raise awareness while simultaneously.
7. Learn to throw items
Research carried out the University of Regensburg in Germany scanned the brains of a juggler (the jugglers throw) and find if this activity could improve the structure of the brain. After practicing for three months, the brain will show significant improvements in two parts, namely part mid-portal intraprietal sulcus and posterior left.
8. Related to the nature of young children
Einstein once said: imagination is more important than if the knowledge and he used it on some experiments that eventually made him found the calculation most famous of all time (E = MC2).
Amatilah children, they are full of imagination, and they learn a lot more in the early years of their lives than what we learn for a decade.
Free your mind from the prison of the mind "an adult", you will find a way of thinking that has never been imagined before. You will probably make the next great invention.